that was probably the best egoraptor related thing not done by egoraptor,and good job w/ th'voices
that was probably the best egoraptor related thing not done by egoraptor,and good job w/ th'voices
i feel like ppl are going to get mad at me for this:
i didnt like it to much it was a'ight but... well not everyone is going to like everything you do. I like yer other stuff though.
<3<3<3(totally the gay kind)
a bit repetative, and what is with the names of these? are those real words? it was... a'ight.
i counted
i geuss counting the dead (and me mispelling guess and not fixing it) makes me officially have no life... o well not counting zombies or the guy in the opening, 60 died in this one (i think).
delicious vendibles
jesus should be in SSBB
I share your pain
this game was the biggest reason i actually got the wii (got the last one to (: ) and they delayed it twice. i almosst considered not buying it cause i was so pissed, but theni remembered meta knight (awesome huh?) and i REALLY hope they dont delay it again.
that sucked.
what up wit' kirbys arms. and the way neil walked it just sucked
i gots some kewl YouTube schtuff w/ the same account name.
Age 35, Male
Lake Braddock SS
Joined on 12/2/07